What you should know about Sia Insight:

Sia Insight provides marketing research and consultancy in various industries
_+Research Areas
We are experts in strategic marketing research.
_+Syndicated Research
You can obtain detailed information for our multi-client (syndicated) research: SiaMood Women; SiaMood Men; SiaMood Children; SiaMood Ramadan

How we work? The process.

_+We Listen

According to us, research is not only about collection and compilation of data, and transforming this information into “knowledge”. Research is a process, which should be one step above this where the knowledge is simplified and translated into actionable strategic marketing insights.

_+We Understand

The important aspect for us is to correctly interpret our clients’ marketing problems and/or needs, and to develop the best possible solutions for them. The intended solutions to these problems or the tools to meet client needs are only vehicles, and our expertise starts by knowing when to use each tool. When performing marketing research, the terms such as “qualitative” and “quantitative”, or “modeling” or “ad hoc” might be used frequently; we don’t believe in applying such terms.

_+We Examine Thoroughly

As Sia Insight, we aim to transfer our research output on consumers’ profiles, motivations, behaviors and insights into visual material, and we want to share our research results with our customers, according to the principle “10/ 20/ 30” rule.

_+We Process Data

Our difference lies in our approach to integrate marketing research and consultancy. With this approach, we aim not only to take a picture of the current situation, but also to develop actionable insights.

_+We Work Together

As Sia Insight in each research we conduct, we tell our customers not only “what they should do”, but also “how they should do it .

_+We Consult

Research is a process through which the knowledge is simplified and translated into actionable and clear strategic marketing insights.

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